Igor Moos, Founder of the Entrepreneurs Club Aschaffenburg, joined the team of GACC California at the San Diego office for a couple of days. The goal is to exchange best practices and bring a partnership between the club and GACC California to life.
American companies of all sizes are constantly on the lookout for innovation, moreover, they often look outside the company for innovation potential. And if they do, they don’t limit their search to the U.S. only.
“Tapping into the entrepreneurial scene in Germany and building meaningful relationships with local German groups is of critical importance to us”, says Peggy Fleming, President of the German American Chamber of Commerce California. “It’s what our corporate clients need and expect from us. The Entrepreneurs Club Aschaffenburg has sparked our interest because of its focus on engineering, among others, as well as a lively relationship with the Aschaffenburg University” she adds.
GACC California is looking forward to mutual events in both Germany and San Diego as well as working together on a first project in the near future.